Rancang Bangun Game Edukasi Panduan Lengkap Belajar Gerakan Dan Bacaan Sholat “Garba Sholat”
prayer, multimedia, education gameAbstract
Prayer is the second pillar of faith for Muslims around the world. The procedure for praying has a variety of readings in its application. One can choose reading according to belief. In school, prayer began to be known from an early age. Generally, teachers only teach one type of prayer reading. This causes some children not to know other prayer readings so they will feel foreign when they hear these readings outside their original educational environment. This study aims to design and build an educational game that can package a variety of prayer readings so that children can recognize and memorize the types of prayer readings. This application was developed using the Multimedia Development Life Cycle (MDLC) method. The application is designed on a multimedia basis to increase children's enthusiasm to learn the movements and read prayers. The game elements in this application are designed to hone children's abilities in a fun way. The success of application development is proven by the Black box testing method with the type of Equivalence Partitioning, where all test case designs get results as expected.
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