Aplikasi Pengelolaan Inventaris Alat Broadcast Berbasis Website pada TVRI Kalimantan Selatan
information system, inventory, TVRI South KalimantanAbstract
The development of technology is getting faster and faster, especially information and communication technology at TVRI South Kalimantan. Television of the Republic of Indonesia (TVRI) is a national-scale public television network as a public broadcasting institution in Indonesia. TVRI has many broadcast tools to fulfill the equipment of employees to do their work, in collecting data through the observation method found that the management of TVRI South Kalimantan broadcast equipment is still manual or conventional by using handwriting, and this can cause various kinds of problems such as difficulties in data collection, managing exit, and entry of broadcast devices. This application was created to collect inventory data to fully support the operational activities of TVRI South Kalimantan. The application is built using the PHP programming language, and the Laravel framework with technical development methodologies, system modeling, requirements analysis, design, coding, and testing. The application made can make loan data reports, returns, and maintenance of goods at TVRI South Kalimantan so that it can solve problems that were previously experienced by TVRI South Kalimantan.
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