Pengembangan Dan Evaluasi Aplikasi Mobile Untuk Meningkatkan Efisiensi Pelaporan Data on Shelf Availability (OSA)
On Shelf Availability, Pitjarus Technology, Mobile ApplicationAbstract
Technological developments in industry FMCG gave rise to the need to develop a data reporting system OSA that is effective and efficient. FMCG is an industry that provides daily needs for consumers. In industry FMCG there is a problem in data reporting OSA i.e. it takes 2 hours to match the product barcode This resulted in field officers not being able to meet the target stores they had to visit. The research methodology used in this research is a system-based development agile method. First, identify problems in data reporting OSA then determine the programming language to be used and design user interface. After requirement and design If you're ready, then move on to develop by changing the display design user interface into a programming language so that it can be used. The last one was testing with the aim of whether the design can help users and is ready for use, after the product passes the testing stage the application is ready to be distributed widely. Results of development and evaluation of data reporting applications OSA can increase the efficiency of data reporting OSA so that field officers can meet shop visit targets.
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