Peningkatan Promosi Nagari Melalui Website dan Video Profil di Nagari Padang Ganting
digital promotion, padang ganting, profile video, nagari, websiteAbstract
The purpose of this community service activity is to increase the promotion of Nagari Padang Ganting, Padang Ganting Sub-District, Tanah Datar Regency through the nagari’ website media and profile video. Based on search engine websites, there is insufficient information concerning the Nagari Padang Ganting, thus, digital promotion strategy approach is needed through website media and profile video. These website and profile video were established by applying the bottom-up approach, so that the information presented was in accordance with the real conditions of the Nagari and the needs of the community. The result of this service activity was in the form of village’ website and profile video. After being tested and analyzed using the search engine, the website and profile video of Nagari Padang Ganting could be found on the first page of the search engine. In other words, the information of this nagari could be obtained easily for those who were connected to the internet.
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