Identifikasi Penyakit pada Tanaman Kakao menggunakan Promethee
cocoa, diseases, decision support system, information, promethee methodAbstract
Many cocoa plants are cultivated in the highlands. In cocoa agribusiness there are a number of obstacles faced, especially in increasing productivity and quality. Extensive cocoa cultivation is inseparable from various obstacles, including pest and disease attacks on cocoa plants, which have failed to harvest. This can cause huge losses for cocoa farmers. Decision support systems are also applied to agriculture. The decision support system for identifying diseases in cocoa planting is expected to be an alternative aid for farmers in obtaining information on diseases and pests that resemble the information provided by the Agriculture Service. Detection of cocoa pests and diseases uses the promethee method. Promethee method is a method of determining sequence (priority) in multicriteria analysis. The Promethee method uses criteria and weights from each criterion which are then processed to determine the choice of field alternatives, the results of which are sequentially based on their priorities.
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