Bibliometric Analysis: Machine Learning untuk Blended Learning


  • Agus Bahtiar STMIK IKMI Cirebon
  • Mulyawan STMIK IKMI Cirebon


Blended learning, machine learning, bibliometric analysis, learning personalization, ethical challenges


Blended learning, which combines face-to-face learning methods with digital technology, has grown rapidly thanks to advances in information technology. Along with that, machine learning technology offers great potential to improve personalization and adaptation in blended learning. This research aims to explore the application of machine learning in blended learning systems through bibliometric analysis. By analyzing SCOPUS indexed publications from 2019 to 2024, this study identifies trends, challenges and opportunities in the integration of machine learning with blended learning. The methods used include search keyword definition, initial data collection, refinement of search results, statistical compilation, and data analysis. The main findings show that there is a significant increase in the number of publications on this topic, with the highest peak in 2022. The wide distribution of publications indicates significant international collaboration. Citation analysis indicates that the quality and impact of research is also increasing, with recent publications gaining more citations. This research highlights the importance of applying machine learning in blended learning to improve educational effectiveness and support the development of more adaptive learning methods. The findings provide valuable insights for academics and practitioners to encourage further innovation and improve the quality of education in the digital era.


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How to Cite

Agus Bahtiar, & Mulyawan. (2024). Bibliometric Analysis: Machine Learning untuk Blended Learning. Prosiding SISFOTEK, 8(1), 530 - 537. Retrieved from



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